Many bloggers and site owners build links to their blogs and sites and usually focus more on the home page rather than the pages within the site or blog. While this is a good thing we should also think about deep linking.
Deep linking is the process where a blogger or site owner links to a specific page within a website or blog (the blog post itself). Deep linking is good because the post or webpage need to obtain as much attention as the main or home page. The home page is not going to show you all of the pages that are in the blog. That's why it is very important a person links to the pages within the sites and blogs.
It is also important to make sure you deep link every time you do a blog post. Look at the end of this blog post to get an idea what I am talking about. You're basically linking back to previous blog post and giving them life again. These are post you wrote and they still need to be seen so it is important that you use deep linking. You'll get more visitors from search engines and those individual post will get higher rankings.
Enterprises are being urged to incorporate deep linking in their marketing strategies. Why, because many big companies have a lot of products and services they offer. For example, if you are looking to buy a pair of running shoes and you want those shoes to be Reebok Realflex women's running shoes; you will want to go straight to where that shoe is being sold right?
Well Reebok or another shoe selling site will want to build links to that product page so it can more easily be picked up by search engines. If you had a product site wouldn't you want customers to find what they are looking for with ease? Certainly and that's exactly why deep link building is important for all enterprises, companies, bloggers, and site owners. When you write articles or post comments on other blogs, try linking to specif pages with in your blog or website rather than always linking to your home page.
By the way, the more specific a person is in their search, the better chances the person is looking to make a purchase. Any woman looking for Reebok Realflex women's running shoes is looking to buy a pair in most cases. So consider that if you are not currently building deep links.
Also consider what
Eric Enge had to say about deep linking................
Enterprise Branding & Link Building
A lot of major brands cover many types of different products. Proctor & Gamble lists 47 different brands on the All Brands page on its website. Even Ford Motor Company lists five major categories of product lines on its home page. Digging in a bit further, they list six major lines of cars, ranging from the inexpensive Fiesta, to the sporty Mustang, to the pricier Taurus.
(Did you notice how those two companies each got a “free link” from me just because they are major brands?) However, let’s look at these links, and the pages they point to. Would a user, or a search engine, use those links to decide that Ford is the best company to buy a sports car from, or that P&G makes the best laundry detergent?
Of course not.
We can learn from the example of the offline advertising world. Does P&G run ads to promote that they are a large consumer goods company? Again, not really. What do their brands do instead?
- Old Spice runs ads to tell you that they are the best deodorant.
- Tide runs ads to tell you that they are the best detergent.
- Ivory runs ads to tell you that they are the best soap,
- … and so forth …
Ford does the same thing with its line of products. They have one set of ads for trucks, a different set for SUVs, and another for economy cars. These ad campaigns communicate to consumers both the relevance and importance of a product line. This type of campaigning is the logical equivalent of deep link building. You establish relevance and importance on a product line by product line basis.
For fun, I decided to see how many ads were posted on YouTube for each of their car product lines. You can see it here:
My technique of using these search queries is admittedly crude, but the point is that they run ads for each of their product lines. Your online strategy needs to reflect this, too. Search engines try to look at signals the same way that users do.
One set of such signals is the links that your product category pages get. This goes back to the traditional model of links being seen as academic-type citations for your content.
So when you look at one of your product lines, some questions you can ask yourself are:
- Is my product covered in reviews of similar products in major magazines?
- Do major websites covering similar products write about your product at other times (not just reviews)?
- Do lots of bloggers who fit your target demographic write about you?
- Is there any evidence online that your company is an expert in your product’s topic area?
There are plenty of these basic types of questions. Let me enhance them one step further. Do the places that write about you online include links to the relevant pages on your site? Note that someone writing about you without a link could represent some level of endorsement, but implementing a link, which offers the user the opportunity to leave the site publishing a link is, by definition, a stronger endorsement. See more From Eric Enge here
See how he talks about how Ford and the other companies run ads for a specif product. When these products are promoted, the link takes you straight to the page the product is on, not the homepage or main page of the website. Each product has to be promoted in this way. In his article he also says that the need for deep linking will not be going away any time soon. Also product line promotions will always be important. So with that being said, if you are not already doing so, you need to incorporate deep linking into your marketing strategies. Visitors will end up visiting the inside of your website more than the home page because the home page contains a variety of things, but still not a link to every post or webpage.
Search engines display results based on what a person type in the search box and if you're not building deep links to those post or webpages with in your site, you could set yourself up to not receive as much traffic as you could be receiving.
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