Traffic To Blog: Help Grandma Find Your Blog

Traffic is an important lifeline if you want your internet business to thrive. The question many people want to know is how to get traffic to your blog or website. This is the biggest problem for most people and there is something you can do about it.

Google is always changing; there was recent news that Google changed its search engine again so that it brings more relevant and helpful content to their users. See Google is protecting people from frauds, and scams, and the other junk that people pollute the internet with everyday.

Also another reality we all have to face: Google don’t give a rip what you want or think. You know who Google cares about, grandma. Google wants grandma to be delighted when she visits your blog or website and that is all they care about. If grandma don’t like your blog, Google won't like it either. It is very important you give Google what it wants and what grandma wants and maybe, just maybe you’ll get what you want, which is traffic to your blog.


I say maybe because it is all up to what you put on your blog, so you better make grandma happy if you want traffic to your blog or websites.

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself if you want traffic to your blog:

  • Is your blog providing helpful, interesting, or funny content?
  • Does your blog protect grandma from scams?
  • Would you feel comfortable using your credit card on a blog like yours?
  • Can grandma navigate or get around on your blog pretty easy with no issues?
  • Will grandma use her credit card on your blog?

See you got to know the answers to these questions before you get even a trickle of traffic to your blog. It is important you see to it that grandma is comfortable with using your blog and you got to make it interesting for her so that she will stay on your blog. See Google knows how long someone stays on your blog and this will either make or break your blog.

There are just some sites that Google loves and some they hate. You want to be the one they love. If you got Google’s love, you got traffic to your blog. It’s a simple as that but still can be difficult if you don’t know how to do it.

Having good quality content is important, but it’s not good enough. And in order to get steady traffic over time, you’ve got to build trust. Trust with people and trust with the search engines, and of course, good ole grandma. How do you build trust, one good way is linking to an authority site, but it has to be relevant to what your blog is all about. And you can’t just do it once; it has to be done several times in several blog posts. This technique can bring in an awesome amount of traffic if you do it right. 

See Google will start to trust you because it will think you have something in common with the sites that have high authority. So if you link to a news story within your post for example, over time you will get some traffic due to a higher ranking of your blog or site.  Problogger gives you 10 Ways to Improve Blog Traffic in 30 Minutes or Less and they offer great things you should be doing to get traffic to your blog. You can click on the word Problogger and check it out.  

Another thing that is very important is writing on topics that are interesting and target people who are likely to share your content. If your audience shares your content, this can bring more traffic to your blog. Seomoz talks about this on their blog and they give you 21 Tactics to Increase Blog Traffic and they have incredible information too. 

You may also want to look into sharing more of your blog post with social media sites. Mashable did an article about how Pinterest drives more traffic to blogs than Twitter. Many people are sharing content and liking it on social media sites you should be doing it also. When people share your information Google sees this and they will trust you because everyone will share your url with others which mean traffic to your blogs.

One of the very best ways to insure traffic will come to your blog is to pick the right niche from the beginning.  Lee Odden recommends you find a niche that will solve big problems your business solves for customers. This is very good advice and will better your odds of getting that traffic to your blog.  

Another thing you should consider is getting a listing with Alexa. If you are serious about getting traffic to your blog or websites, you should really put some thought into this one. You will increase your chances for blog traffic because they provide tools to site owners. 

Use Facebook to advertise your business. There are many business that use Facebook to market their brand.   News channels, store chains such as Macy's get traffic through Facebook. Macy's have an awesome fan base and almost 5 million likes! 

Another way to insure you get traffic to your blog or website is to make sure you optimize it. You gotta make sure you use the right keywords on your sites and blogs, money keywords at that. Money keywords are the words that's going to be the bread winner for your blog. 

All of these tips I'm sharing with you will help grandma find your blog; but you still have to make sure you give her what she wants. Remember, whatever she wants, Google also wants and every one of your visitors will want it too. You should aim to be the go to blog, where you are linking to the hot and latest info and everyone will love you for it. This will entice people to share your blog and this will be the way to get traffic to your blog for years to come. You just have to keep updating your blog often so that traffic will come and most importantly people including grandma, will stay on your blog and Google will love you so much. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the good informative information, I shall be following your advice over the coming weeks and months.
